+ About Me

Bold and colourful type and illustration work built from a graphic language of geometric forms.

Hey! I'm Will - I'm a designer, artist and printmaker.

Inspired by a love of 'everyday design', I am interested in the construction and aesthetic choices behind these often overlooked elements of our visual landscape, using this as a reference point to explore how ideas can be represented in their most simple and universal form.

I take a tool-kit approach, designing flexible systems that aim to free up the creative process and allow playfulness to lead my work.

Working predominantly with woodblock and rubber stamp printing, I find this analogue approach allows me slow down and develop my ideas through a puzzle like process of arrangement.

+ Exhibitions/Workshops

  • 2023
  • The Positivity Show - Seaford Exhibition
  • Bainbridge Open - London Exhibition
  • Press + Play: BlockFace - Brighton Workshop
  • Shifting Structures - LCC Workshop

  • 2022
  • Press + Play - Brighton Exhibition
  • Forms and Letters - Canterbury Christ Church Workshop
  • Arts, Books, Exhibition - Norwich Exhibition
  • Build Your Own Printing Machine - Woolwich Workshop

  • 2021
  • Press + Play - Brighton Exhibition
  • Posters For The People 2.0 - UK wide Installation
  • Together - Eastbourne Installation

  • 2020
  • AlphaSet Type Club - Online Workshop

  • 2019
  • Look At This, Brighton Exhibition
  • Experimental Book Making - Winchester SoA Workshop

+ Press

  • 2023
  • GrafikMagazin - BlockFace Print
  • Creative Boom - BlockFace Online
  • Colossal - BlockFace Online
  • FrizziFrizzi - AlphaSet Online

  • 2020
  • People of Print - Introducing Will Mower Online

  • 2019
  • The Peep Online
  • Pressing Matters - Stamp It & See Print

+ Contact

I am always open to collaboration, commissions and freelance opportunities as well as talks and workshops so please get in touch if you'd be interested in working together or would like to say hi.
